EXKN stands for the unbounded growth of human created Explanatory Knowledge, which enables solutions to the never ending stream of problems we face and drives the potentially infinite progress of our civilization.
This site is an attempt to summarize and provide an access point into the most fundamental things we know about our reality. This knowledge encompasses four major fundamental theories that can really only be completely understood together. These theories not only include the fundamental laws of physics, but also include emergent theories, and a clearer conception of what knowledge is. This philosophical undertaking encompasses many subjects including moral knowledge, and can provide us with a better way to understand and navigate the problems we constantly face. The original and most comprehensive expression of this subject can be found in David Deutsch's books, The Beginning of Infinity, and The Fabric of Reality. These books are a beautifully woven tapestry that untangles the threads many conflicting philosophies of the past and present into a deeply rational and inescapably optimistic stance towards the future. The problem of how to approach this incredibly broad subject is the main challenge of this effort. Other than just diving into and carefully making your way through David's books and interviews (which is highly recommended), I've attempted to assemble the key elements and questions relevant to this effort. They are meant to be launching points that draw you deeper into a more comprehensive explanation of our reality and the role we play within it.